Hello everyone! It’s a chilly November patch update. While we’re preparing for this week’s release of Black Chrome, and next week’s Pathfinder titles. Here are some updates for the whole platform, along with some smaller fixes in specific Nexuses to warm you up!
Since our last update…
In addition to the below patches, I’ll also highlight that we’ve released a lot of books! Including…
- VTM: Fall of London
- VTM: Gehenna War
- PF2e: War of Immortals
- PF2e: The Resurrection Flood
- PF2e: Triumph of the Tusk Player’s Guide
- SF2e: Empires Devoured
- SF2e: Rescue at Shimmerstone Mine
We also released Vampire PDF export and pregen support!
And now, for the patches...
Demiplane Platform
- New characters will now default to be shareable with a link. (Changing it to private works the same way as before!)
- Improved the load-in of unique styles on Nexus pages.
- Clicking on links in the reader view for a book and then hitting ‘back’ should now take you back to the link location.
- Fixed an issue where anyone could edit the notes and journals for pre-generated characters. You’ve gotta save a copy of it, first, fam.
- Platform preparation for Uncle Iroh’s Adventure Guide
Alien RPG
- Fixed issue causing ALIEN re-rolls always resulting in a “1”.
Avatar Legends
- Republic City Legendary NPCs should now have their images properly appear in the NPC listing. As great as our imaginations are, this makes things a lot easier.
Marvel Multiverse RPG
- Blunt and Sharp Melee Weapon powers should now properly work with the Special Training origin.
- Added rule listings for the three new conditions from the X-Men sourcebook.
You may need to remove and re-add any character builder or sheet options to see the changes.
- Slashing Gust’s damage breakdown has been fixed. (Rage of Elements)
- Broken links in the rule for Hit Points, Healing and Dying were fixed. (Player Core)
- The remastered Order Explorer feat was incorrectly adding legacy orders. This has been fixed! Order Magic was similarly tidied up. (Player Core)
- The headwrap of wisdom now grants you the ability boost. Wise up, fools. (GM Core)
- The Viking Shieldbearer Dedication now properly grants you a choice for which weapon to train in. (Lost Omens: Character Guide)
- Elemental Wrath has been updated with our new functionality to give you choices for your element type. (Lost Omens: Character Guide)
- The Champion has had it’s feats cleaned up, with older feats marked properly as legacy. (Player Core 2)
- The Hardwood Shield should now properly appear in your equipment as a wood kineticist with the appropriate feat. No trees required. (Rage of Elements)
- Arcane Tattoos and it’s related feats are now properly marked as legacy. (Lost Omens: Character Guide)
- Devout Blessing now allows you to choose your blessing. Which is better than most of us get. (Player Core 2)
- Several backgrounds in the Strength of Thousands AP were updated to make their sub-choices clearer to the player.
- The Desert Rat option for the Ratfolk should no longer add an errant bonus to speed. A note will appear regarding the bonus you get when running on all fours, though! (Player Core 2)
- Splint Mail was not applying it’s dex cap properly, which has now been fixed. (Player Core)
- The new Prescience feat now properly adds a Mythic Roll to it’s action. (War of Immortals)
- Dedicated psychics were being shortchanged 1 focus point if you were a Unified Magical Theory wizard, but you should now be able to properly hone your focus in a unified, theoretical, and magical way. Psychically. (Player Core, Dark Archive)
Vampire: the Masquerade
- Auld Sanguine’s missing antagonists have been added to the antagonists listing. Combine this with pregen support, and Auld Sanguine is set-up for a perfect first experience at no cost for VTM!
- Fixes a series of pregens that did not sync properly with the release, all pregens should now function as intended!
- Unblinking Visage is now properly marked as a flaw. Although, some might argue it’s totally helpful to not blink. Don’t trust those people. (Gehenna War)
- Vanish now properly enforces it’s prerequisites. Thank me for this one, because I accidentally made a character that didn’t qualify. (Corebook)
What is a patch update?
In these regular patches, we’ll be releasing fixes and updates to items on our larger NEXUSes (like Vampire and Pathfinder), and summarizing updates that have been released for smaller NEXUSes in the time since our last update.
With the new and ongoingcache improvements, we don’t want to break your character’s cache on larger NEXUSes as frequently as we make small improvements and fixes. Instead, we’ll push them all at once on a regular cadence, so that you keep your improved load-times for longer! Read more here.
I noticed a problem!
Thanks for your eagle eyes! Please share it with us on our Forums, Discord, or Support so we can get it fixed.