It’s everyone’s favourite time of the approximately-two-weeks-but-sometimes-shorter-and-sometimes-longer time period! Patch notes time.
- Fixed an issue where the Ultimate Bundle could still be purchased even when you owned everything in it.
- Made improvements in listings that appear in primers.
- The pesky news link that lead to a 404 has been corrected.
- Talent search bar inside of Paths weren’t working, and now they are.
- Buttons on the home page and in the source library that lead to DriveThruRPG, Roll20, and Kickstarter now properly function on mobile devices. We’ll call the previous version a stylistic choice.
- Fixed an issue with plot die results in Cosmere when used on a custom roll. Those should now display the correct results.
- The Third Ideal can now only be spoken after the Second one, because that’s how numbers work. #math
- Distant Adhesion’s prerequisites have been fixed, so you should now be permitted to adhere from a distance, as one does.
- Lashing Shot’s damage roll has been corrected. Apologies to everyone who hoped that d20s were indeed the correct damage dice.
- The Invested talents inside of the Windrunner and Lightweaver primers have been fixed to list their appropriate prerequisites.
- Fixed an issue where the Marvel playtest had come back with a vengeance, appearing in all the wrong places. Ka-POW!
- Generic vehicles were all showing up as Boat. They are now correct, but if you want to call your car ‘Boat’, I won’t stop you.
- In addition to that, Helicopters now move their appropriate number of spaces instead of 100. Save that for your super-copter.
- Power Slider power has had additional information added to it. (X-Men)
- Rogue’s character profile has been updated to include the missing note about her power limitations. (X-Men)
- Fixed an issue preventing the addition of loresheet dots to the character sheet.
- Fixed the Descendant of Al-Ashrad loresheet advantages, which are now selectable in the character tools. Banu Haqim characters, go wild. (Blood Sigils)
- Fixed the display for the Back Door Panopticon in Ambrus Maropis’ loresheet, which was showing 5 dots instead of 4. (Core Book)
Avatar Legends
- PDF exports are now editable. What kind of bending is that?
- PDF exports have been improved with more player material: Basic Moves, Basic Techniques, Combat Exchange Rules, and Campaign Creation worksheet are included in your export.
NEXUS / Compendium
- Spells should now appropriately show their action cost in the listing display.
- Some look and feel issues were corrected across Starfinder listings, mostly in places where a little bit of the archaic Pathfinder was poking through.
- Tables and spells were showing a lot of dark-on-dark and light-on-light text when seen inside of the sidebar. Those should now be corrected, and you won’t need special laser goggles to read them.
Character Tools
You may need to remove a selection and re-add it to your character to see the new options.
- PDF Export is live right now! Click or tap on your character’s name and scroll down to the sharing settings. There, you’ll find an Export to PDF button.
- Two-handed weapons were hot-fixed since the last patch update, as characters could no longer be trained in them.
- Striker Operatives should now properly replace the proficiency gained by the base class.
- Ethnicity and Nationality in the character details have been changed to Port of Call and Homeworld.
- The Disciple background now lets you choose a deity.
- Install Upgrade should now be available in the on-sheet actions.
NEXUS / Compendium
- The final Year 5 Pathfinder Society title has been released! Check it out here.
- Pathfinder listings now correctly filter out Starfinder-only options by default. You can open the filters to show Starfinder, if you so dare.
Character Tools
You may need to remove a selection and re-add it to your character to see the new options.
- PDF exports are now editable. No one can stop you now!
- Monks no longer need to be going commando in order to benefit from Incredible Movement. Clothing is back on the menu, folks. (Player Core 2)
- Dwarfs now benefit appropriately from the Unburdened Iron feat, if they have it. However, you’ll not benefit from it if you don’t have it. (Core Rulebook, Player Core)
- Two-handed weapons were hot-fixed since the last patch update, as characters could no longer be trained in them.
- The Sword Scion now treats the Aldori Dueling Sword as a martial weapon. (Kingmaker)
- Fulminating Spear has damage dice now, as fun as rolling ‘null’ might be to some. (Spoken on the Song Wind)
- Ignition (and the Psychic’s version of Ignition) have had their persistent damage corrected to only be applicable on a crit. (Player Core, Dark Archive)
Why the change?
With the new cache improvements, we don’t want to break your character’s cache on larger NEXUSes as frequently as we make small improvements and fixes. Instead, we’ll push them all at once on a regular cadence, so that you keep your improved load-times for longer! Read more here.
I noticed a problem!
Thanks for your eagle eyes! Please post about it in the sub-forum for that toolset at your leisure. If it’s a quick fix, we’ll get it in our next patch. Otherwise, we’ll make sure it gets to the right team member for deeper work.