The Spider-Verse Expansion has arrived!
Demiplane is excited to release four exclusive characters that are available for play:
- (Goddess) Hulk-Spider
- Spider-Wolf
- Spiderling (Anna May “Annie” Parker)
- Squid (Don Callahan)
Note: Four character profiles are exclusive to the physical edition of the Spider-Verse Expansion. Demiplane worked with the Marvel team to create four exciting character profiles that use some new features from the Spider-Verse Expansion that are exclusive to the digital edition in the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game NEXUS and in the Roll20 VTT Companion. Demiplane's fully-loaded character tools can be used to create any character for your Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game group, including those that exist exclusively in other formats.
This expansion is packed with history, lore, and new equipment!
- Over 90 new and multiversal variant characters
- Chapters that provide background and hooks for numerous worlds within the Spider-Verse
- Expanded rules and history for Symbiotes
- New equipment, including weapons, vehicles, and gadgets
- Multiversal variants and rules to take your game beyond
- New team maneuvers for Spider-Verse team-ups
- Optional rules for everything that comes with great power
- Free Roll20 VTT Companion with purchase

- This VTT Companion includes:
- Maps with Dynamic Lighting (for Plus and Pro subscribers)
- NPC Character Sheets, linked to Digital Tokens with one-click rolls
- Tokens for NPCs and Creatures, preset with Health, Agility Defense, and Might Defense
- Rollable tokens to surprise players or showcase multiple pieces of art
- A Token Page displaying all the tokens with bars filled out.
- Handouts with helpful tips for using the VTT
- Spider-Verse Expansion Token Pack - Contains stylish bordered tokens and portraits for you to use in any Roll20 game
New Features Available for Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game!

- Werewolf Support: It must be a full moon, because the werewolves are out in full force. One of our most popular requests from the community is now supported in the sheet! Choosing the Werewolf origin will give you additional builder options to set-up your werewolf form. Then, on the sheet, you can easily swap to your Werewolf form and gain all of the benefits associated with it.
- Alternate Forms: It’s not just werewolves who are ready to transform! The Alternate Form tag now adds new functionality to the builder, allowing you to mark any trait, tag, or power as belonging to that form, your default form, or both. On the sheet you can then switch, and watch your character sheet change to match those settings.

- Ability Toggles: You might like them when you’re angry. Powers and traits that give you temporary benefits now have toggles that allow you to turn them on and off! If a power lets you alter the effects based on the amount of Focus you spend, you’ll be able to represent that directly in the sheet using these functions. Some highlights if you want to see these in action are Berserker, Angry, Grow/Shrink 1-4, and my new favorite: Magic Masks.
- Focus Spend: Speaking of Focus… All powers that cost focus to use now have the ability to spend directly from the power line in the sheet! Similarly to the toggles you can scale this amount for powers with the option to do so, which will also enforce the rule of spending no more than 5 * your Rank at one time.
- Easy Recovery: Also added to powers and traits: Quick heal and damage options! If you have an Anathema, or perhaps your character has Healing Factor, you’ll find buttons to easily recover or damage your character with a simple click.

- Team Maneuvers Update: Team Maneuvers got a facelift! When you select one in the sheet, you’ll now have the ability to filter your options to easily find what you’re looking for–or to limit the results to just the teams that your character is a member of.
- Symbiotes: Whether starting your character with one of the new Symbiote origins, or adding one to an existing character through play, the builder experience takes into the account the new rules from the Spider-Verse Expansion, allowing you to focus on getting to know your new friend while we do the math.
- Expansion Rules: The below options all fall under the Expansion Rules category! These are optional variants you might include in your game. To turn any of these options on, select the “Expansion Rules” option from the first step of the character builder, and turn on any you want to play with.

- Henchmen Creator: You can easily turn any character building experience into a Henchmen building experience! Choose this expansion in the builder to use alternate creation rules that will result in a ready-made Henchman.
- Bad Karma: This rule expansion allows characters with the Weird trait to have another interaction with karma! While turned on, you’ll find that in the Weird trait, to track as you gain and lose these points.
- Personal Responsibility: You know what they say about great power… With this expansion turned on, you’ll add a new section to your character’s Biography on the sheet, as well as a new action that will automatically scale based on the traits and tags your character has.
- Stunts: Available to characters who meet certain prerequisites, this option will appear in the Powers section of the builder and sheet when turned on, allowing you to grab one of the many fantastic new additions in this title.
- Sinister Plots: Ready to get villainous? If your character has this expansion turned on AND has the Villainous trait, you’ll get a brand new type of metacurrency and fun new actions to spend them on.
We encourage you to click around on new and existing characters and experiment with these new features. The Demiplane team and Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game team continue to work together on even more great improvements to your experience, so keep an eye out for more as we prepare for the Avengers Expansion!

As a reminder, we have the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game Avengers Expansion on pre-order right now, too!
- Ready-to-play characters available to jump right into the game
- Character options fully loaded into a powerful character builder and sheet experience
- Desktop and mobile-friendly digital book accessible anywhere with an internet connection
- Rule listings for player and GM options that can be searched and filtered
Free Bonus (Fulfilled by Roll20):
- Maps with Dynamic Lighting (for Plus and Pro subscribers)
- Drag and drop tokens for characters
- A Token Page displaying all the tokens with HP and Focus bars filled out.
- Handouts with helpful tips for using the VTT