Just in time for your weekend gaming, iiiiiiiit’s patch notes!
Avatar Legends
- The first fatigue you’ve marked can now be removed with a single click/tap, instead of using the ‘reset’ option to set fatigue to 0. No more gaining IRL fatigue to remove your game fatigue!
- Broken links that referred to Free League downloads have been fixed. (Core Rulebook)
- The Devastating Blow talent no longer deals a Devastating Blow to the character sheet.
- Fixed an issue where Talani (pregen) was adding double their modifier to unarmed strikes.
- Hot-fixed an issue where classes no longer appeared in the ‘Classes’ primer page. Phew.
Marvel Multiverse
- Updated the healing rules section to match the errata for healing with karma. (Core Rulebook)
Pathfinder 2e
- A whole bunch of new releases: Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide; Curtain Call Player’s Guide; Stage Fright; Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man; and Prey for Death.
- The Witch and Wizard archetype images have been switched back. No freaky Friday switcheroo body swapping here.
- Fixed an issue with images in tooltips tied to Starfinder elements.
Character Tools
You may need to remove and re-add an option to see it’s fixes applied to the sheet.
Core Functionality
- Added investment functionality! This will show your investable items, and allow you to toggle them on or off.
- Added rest functionality! At the top of the sheet next to your hero points, you now have a REST button. Click that to perform a rest with various conditions. You’ll also find that some character options may add handy notes to this drawer to make resting easy-peasy.
- Added a new filter for Backgrounds in character creation. You can now fully filter backgrounds, making it easier than ever to define your character’s early beginnings.
- Fundamental shield runes can now be added to shields! Now’s the time to go reinforce(ing rune) your shields.
- Skill increases should now appear before most feat selections in the builder, so you can get those boosts that’ll qualify you for shiny new things.
- A level dropdown has been added to the Class section of the builder, allowing you to quickly change level without going back to the first page of the builder.
- Support added for innate spells with 2 or more uses.
- Fixed an issue where actions using a Spell Save DC were defaulting to 0.
- Added drawer icons to Encumbrance and Investment to show those can be opened in a drawer.
- Fixed an issue where element titles were appearing as dark grey in the sheet and builder.
- Spells granted by features sometimes have unique restrictions. These restrictions should now appear when you view the spell’s drawer on your sheet.
Other Updates
- The Shadow Rune now properly applies a bonus to Stealth. Cue Homer Simpson disappearing into a hedge. (GM Core)
- Updated the staves provided to a staff wizard. They should now allow you to add spells in the Spells tab, and be usable as staff weapons.
- Monastic Archer (remastered) should now properly grant weapon training.
- Bounty Hunger no longer grants you the Monster Hunter feat if you don’t already have Hunt Prey. It’s a great dedication, but not THAT great. (Player Core 2)
- Item prices now show in credits, and are included in the listing and not just filters.
- Shards of the Glass Planet and It Came From the Vast are now available!
- Fixed an issue with images in tooltips tied to Pathfinder elements.
Character Tools
You may need to remove and re-add an option to see it’s fixes applied to the sheet.
Core Functionality
- See Pathfinder core functionality updates.
Other Updates
- Krreyvash Pahtra are now properly limited to first level biotech augmentations. Get you those gills.
- Convergent Evolution feat now allows you to select the ancestries you gain access to. Now to figure out what Skittermander/Pahtra/Android feat I want for my Barathu…
Why the change?
With the new cache improvements, we don’t want to break your character’s cache on larger NEXUSes as frequently as we make small improvements and fixes. Instead, we’ll push them all at once on a regular cadence, so that you keep your improved load-times for longer! Read more here.
I noticed a problem!
Thanks for your eagle eyes! Please post about it in the sub-forum for that toolset at your leisure. If it’s a quick fix, we’ll get it in our next patch. Otherwise, we’ll make sure it gets to the right team member for deeper work.