Oh hey, friends! It’s been a little while. We were busy preparing for Gencon and all of the fun releases for it, but we’re back with regular patch updates now!
- We released the Cosmere RPG NEXUS! Check it out here.
- Pregens! Pregens were released for Cosmere and are available on the first page of the builder.
- Windrunner’s “Take Squire” is now properly available. No more sharing with Lightweavers.
- Invested, Master of the Skies, and Superior Bond have all had their prerequisites updated. There were two different versions originally, but our pals at Brotherwise have let us know which one is the truth!
- The Artisan Kit will now correctly give Literature as a Utility expertise. However, this did temporarily mean other kits also gave Literature. We corrected that, too.
- Got rid of an erroneous and error-filled attack roll in Gravitational Slam, which should just use your regular Gravitation lashing… Assuming your opponent chooses to resist you, and doesn’t just want to be tossed around for fun.
- The final update for the game went live! The playtest is now ‘locked’. The next big update you’ll see will be for the full game. Check out the final playtest rules here.
- Corrected the damage dice on a Shortstaff.
- Fixed the “Scales” ancestry feature of the Drakona.
- Fixed a typo in the ‘Gold, Equipment…etc.’ rule for GMs, which seemed really certain that you should only have handfuls of gold.
- Gave the Winged Sentinel back their groove. (AKA, their spellcast trait)
- Released the new X-Men Expansion sourcebook. Get it here. 2
- Released the Deadpool adventure. Get it here.
- Added the Anti-Telepathy Helmet to Magneto and Juggernaut, ordered straight to their heads by the X-Men Expansion. (Core Rulebook)
- Wolverine (original recipe) and Wolverine (Laura Kinney) have had their claws brought up to date with tasty ‘ignore DR’ additions. (Core Rulebook)
- Fixed an issue where some characters disappeared from the site. They were called off to an important multiverse spanning event, but we’ve got them back into the Demiplane-verse now.
- Corrected a mislabeling of Taskmaster’s Henchman, where they were getting their traits and tags all confused. (Deadpool Role-Plays the Marvel Universe)
- Fixed an issue where the Playtest Rulebook was returning from the dead. We got Blade on the case, and it should be back where it belongs.
- Updated the Power Sets to now break all power sets with sub-types properly into those types, and gave them all unique images in the listing.
- Fixed a display issue with overlapping dots in loresheets. (Children of the Blood)
- Added Eddie Wu to the antagonist listing. Eddie Wu: Not just for loresheets anymore! (Chicago by Night)
- Corrected the images in the Servitor of Irad loresheet. (Cults of the Blood Gods)
- Added the Crash Down power, which was missing. You’re welcome to my character, and any other Potence-using vampires. (Players Guide)
Avatar Legends
- Export to PDF is available now! You can find this by clicking your character’s name/portrait to open the management sidebar, then scroll down. You’ll find it by the sharing options. Note that you will need pop-ups enabled for the page to receive your PDF.
NEXUS / Compendium
- We released this brand new Nexus! Check it out here. 1
- Fixed an issue with primer displays being light text on light background.
- Fixed an issue with primer mobile displays.
- Added automatic sorting to listings that hide all Pathfinder content by default.
- Fixed an issue where links going to Pathfinder sources would break.
Character Tools
You may need to remove a selection and re-add it to your character to see the new options.
- Pregens! Pregens were released for Starfinder and are available on the first page of the builder.
- Various launch fixes were done last week across all character options. Pew pew.
- Death-Touched Caster should now be able to be a caster. With, like, spells that show up in the list and everything.
- Scrabbler Skittermander speed is now set properly for scaling purposes, and the Hyper feat has been fixed to apply properly. No more bonus speed, I’m sorry to say, no matter how much sugar you consume.
- Xenodruid Bond has received an errata, replacing the missing spell (stardust plague) with toxic cloud.
- Solarian Weapon trait selection now properly limits to 2.
NEXUS / Compendium
- Added support for Starfinder across the Nexus.
- Released Player Core 2, check it out here. 5
- Released The Great Toy Heist, which you can find here for free!
- Player Core and Lost Omens: Tian Xia World Guide sections that linked to Player Core 2 have been updated.
- Fixed an issue where some subtitles in Player Core 2 were overlapping with text. (Player Core 2)
- Added dual-sourcing and legacy-settings to a variety of feats, features, and more. (And there’s more in progress!)
- Fixed broken/missing link to Eutropia in Lost Omens: Legends, in Chapter H-M and in the table of contents.
Character Tools
You may need to remove a selection and re-add it to your character to see the new options.
- Export to PDF is available now! You can find this by clicking your character’s name/portrait to open the management sidebar, then scroll down. You’ll find it by the sharing options. Note that you will need pop-ups enabled for the page to receive your PDF.
- Pregens! Pregens were released for Pathfinder and are available on the first page of the builder. This initial release includes: Player Core 1 iconics, The Great Toy Heist pregens, and some sample builds. More will be released in the coming weeks.
- Bard Spell Repertoire had a bug preventing spells from being added, which was hot-fixed. (Core Rulebook/Player Core)
- Alchemical Sciences filter has been fixed. (Advanced Player’s Guide)
- Weapon Innovation can be selected for Inventors again, however it is not fully supported with features at this time. (Guns & Gears)
- Spellshot Dedication should now properly allow spell selection. For their shots. (Guns & Gears)
- We’ve updated the ancestry lore feats in Player Core and Howl of the Wild to use our new standard, taking out some of the extra work it originally asked of players.
- Archetypes and class features provided in Howl of the Wild and Severed at the Root that were intended to go with the Player Core 2 classes or archetypes have now been connected. Soulmates!
- Related to that, Player Core 2 connections to the Bullet Dancer in Guns & Gears have been applied. (Guns & Gears)
- The Wolf animal companion has had it’s speed fixed. (Player Core)
- Removed the erroneous bonuses and penalties being applied to the Demonic, Draconic, Aberrant, Angelic, Elemental, Fey, and Imperial Sorcerers. (Player Core 2)
- Updated the Armor in Earth and Metal Carapace Kineticist impulses. They no longer force you to wear their armor 100% of the time, instead they add a special item to your inventory that you can equip when it’s time to suit-up.
- The Belt of Long Life / Belt of Regeneration (L) now give bonuses to Constitution. (GM Core / Core Rulebook)
- Lamellar Breastplate now won’t apply it’s note unless you have it equipped.
- Eldritch Nails should now accept runes, so go ahead and make your appointment with your local eldritch manicurist. (Advanced Players Guide)
- Percussive Impact’s spell attack has been fixed. (Lost Omens: Firebrands)
- Champion’s will no longer lose their Devotion Spells focus point if they gain a focus point from somewhere else. As someone with ADHD, I get it. (Player Core 2)
- Clawed Catfolk should now be at least as agile as a bare fist. (Player Core 2)
- The Flexible trait should now properly apply to armor that has it.
- Defensive Advance does not change it’s name to Defensive Stance when viewed as an action. (Player Core 2)
- The compass no longer has a 119gp mark-up. (Player Core)
- Versatile Font for Clerics will now properly allow you to choose harm or heal. What kind of mood are you in today? (Player Core/Core Rulebook)
Why the change?
With the new cache improvements, we don’t want to break your character’s cache on larger NEXUSes as frequently as we make small improvements and fixes. Instead, we’ll push them all at once on a regular cadence, so that you keep your improved load-times for longer! Read more here .
I noticed a problem!
Thanks for your eagle eyes! Please post about it in the sub-forum for that toolset at your leisure. If it’s a quick fix, we’ll get it in our next patch. Otherwise, we’ll make sure it gets to the right team member for deeper work.