Pathfinder Errata

Our Paizo Pals have updated several digital titles for Pathfinder Second Edition and we are pleased to release these updates throughout the Pathfinder Nexus! Play Pathfinder Second Edition online or in-person with Pathfinder Nexus with free rules, pre-generated characters, or make your own with our Character Builder. Additionally, Roll20 VTT is also updated to the latest Pathfinder Second Edition Errata as well! 

This is a HUGE update so check out below for all the delightful changes for your next adventure!

What changed? Simply.
Today’s Updates

This set includes a pretty extensive set of updates to make the initial Remaster books as accurate as possible. Future sets of updates likely won’t be this lengthy. Also, because Paizo previously put out errata when a book was being reprinted, they typically had the final wording on hand. In this new system, the challenges of text layout make it possible that some of these updates might not match the exact final text when Paizo reprints a book. They would have to revise them later, keeping the same mechanical changes but adjusting the wording a bit.

Pathfinder Player Core has been out long enough for people to have found a lot of minor errors, which make up the bulk of these updates. Paizo covers some fixes that veteran players familiar with the legacy books could likely figure out, but that new players would lack the context for, such as stray mentions of “ability modifiers.” Several feats got improvements to be more appealing for the characters they’re meant for.

One of the notable changes you’ll see is an update to the sure strike spell. The spell could be very strong, with the reroll effectively making a much larger bonus than most abilities can grant. This benefit was usually in control at low levels when characters had few spell slots, but it could become disruptive and repetitive at higher levels on characters built to gain a huge number of copies of the spell and use it constantly. Paizo has added temporary immunity to the spell, with the intent that it can still be very strong to create intense moments, but that there’s little incentive to use more than a handful of spell slots on it.

  • Pathfinder GM Core had some minor changes, mostly to cover side effects of the Remaster process and the introduction of reinforcing runes being missed in a couple places.
  • Pathfinder Monster Core had a variety of small changes. The one that affects the most creatures is fixing the scaling on the demonic pact and diabolic pact rituals.
  • Pathfinder Player Core 2 saw a few changes, including changing the incorrect action symbol on You’re Next to a reaction, giving the champion multiclass dedication the champion’s aura ability, and fixing the damage on live wire.
  • Pathfinder Secrets of Magic already received updates for Remaster compatibility, but Paizo has added some more updates. The main one is to allow the magus to use spells that don’t require spell attacks. This made part of the Expanded Spellstrike feat obsolete, but that feat can still be taken by players who want to affect areas. Studious spells were missed in the previous pass, and are now updated.
  • Other changes to Secrets of Magic include several fixes to individual rules elements and repeating the elemental themed changes and expansions that were detailed in Pathfinder Rage of Elements, making them easier to find for people who don’t have that book.
  • For Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, Paizo has updated a few levels and prices for some of the beast armaments so they are more in line with their runes. Paizo has made a few targeted changes as well—gone are the days of the minotaur rogue also scaring all their teammates with Alarming Disappearance, which no longer affects allies who have spent significant time with you.
  • For Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, a few pieces of missing information were added, namely the Speed entries for the sarangay and yaksha ancestries, which are both 25 feet.
  • Pathfinder War of Immortals got the few changes that were previewed in the Alternate Mythic Rules document added to the FAQ page.
What Changed? More Detailed.
Monster Core
  • Page 14: In the cassisian’s Change Shape entry, in the Dog bullet, add the single action symbol after Melee.

  • Page 18: Change animated broom’s construct armor ability to say “reducing its Armor Class to 13”, matching its AC entry.

  • Page 21: Add grabbed, prone, and restrained to the Immunities entry of the army ant swarm.

  • Page 27: Add “Athletics +11” to the qarna’s Skills entry.

  • Page 28: Change the aesra’s weakness from “evil 10” to “unholy 10”.

  • Page 68: Update the crawling hand’s claw Strike to have reach 0 feet.

  • Pages 72–73: In the cacodaemon’s Change Shape entry, add the single action symbol after Melee for each Strike Change Shape grants. In addition, in scorpion form, add “Athletics +6” to its skills.

  • Page 90: Add “Athletics +19” to the phistophilus’s Skills entry.

  • Pages 113–114: The diabolic dragon’s Strikes should increase their reach as they grow. Change the reach of the adult diabolic dragon to 15 feet for jaws, 10 feet for claw, and 20 feet for tail. For the ancient diabolic dragon, use 20 feet for jaws, 15 feet for claw, and 25 feet for tail.

  • Pages 120–121: Change the adult and ancient horned dragon’s status bonus to saves from “vs. magic” to “vs. primal” to match other dragons.

  • Page 123: Change the number of actions for the ancient mirage dragon’s Captivating Display to 1 action to match the adult dragon.

  • Page 153: The irnakurse’s Storm of Tentacles ability is missing its action symbol. It takes two actions.

  • Page 161: Change the ghost mage’s “read magic” spell to “read aura”.

  • Page 162: In the forbidden cravings curse, after the trait parentheses, add “A creature can still eat and drink while sickened by this curse;”

  • Page 166: Take the sack with 5 rocks away from the fire giant’s items. The remastered creature doesn’t need them for any abilities.

  • Page 179: The graveknight’s fist Strike doesn’t accurately reflect all of the ruinous weapons ability. Change it to “Melee [one-action] frost fist +24 (agile, cold, magical), Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoning plus 1d6 cold”.

  • Page 199: The hobgoblin general’s General’s Cry ability uses some old text, making it work only on goblins (but not hobgoblins or other creatures). Change this from “any ally with the goblin trait” to “any ally”, allowing the hobgoblin to command any soldiers the GM sees fit.

  • Page 209: Update the kholo bonekeeper to have low-light vision. (The other kholo keep their darkvision, much like a kholo player character with the cave kholo heritage.)

  • Page 238: Add reach 10 feet to the greater nightmare’s jaws Strike.

  • Page 240: In the deity entry, add “(Player Core 2 255)” after the web spell.

  • Page 243: The nuckelavee has toxic cloud as a 3rd-rank innate spell, but it’s a 5th-rank spell. Replace it with aqueous orb.

  • Page 253: Remove the unholy trait from the snow oni.

  • Page 264: Add the holy trait to the phoenix.

  • Page 289: Add “Ratfolk” to the ratfolk grenadier’s languages.

  • Page 290: The redcap’s stat block needed multiple updates to bring it in line with folklore as intended. Cut the sickle from Items and the sickle Strike, and update Deadly Cleave as follows. “Deadly Cleave [reaction] Trigger The redcap reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points with a halberd Strike; Effect The redcap makes another halberd Strike against a different creature, using the same multiple attack penalty as the halberd Strike that triggered this reaction. This counts toward their multiple attack penalty as normal.”

  • Page 308: In the shining child’s spells, remove spell riposte and give them two castings of sunburst instead. This is to avoid using spells not easily referenced in Player Core, but if you prefer to keep spell riposte for shining children in your game, it appears in Player Core 2.

  • Page 321: Stage 3 of goliath spider venom deals poison damage, just like the other stages, but the type was accidentally omitted.

  • Page 327: Add grabbed, prone, and restrained to the Immunities entry of the tooth fairy swarm.

  • Page 338: Add grabbed, prone, and restrained to the Immunities entry of the vescavor swarm.

  • Page 348: Change the damage for the wight’s dagger Strikes from “slashing” to “piercing”, as normal for daggers.

  • Pages 364–365: The demonic pact and diabolic pact rituals have a typo in their Heightened entries. The level of the demon or devil increases by 2, not by 1.
Player Core
  • Pages 36–38: Change several deity anathema entries to affect gameplay as intended and match Lost Omens Divine Mysteries.

    some text
    • Desna: Replace “cause fear or despair” with “foster despair or terror in the innocent”.
    • Nethys: Add “continually” to the start of the anathema so it reads “continually pursue mundane paths over magical ones”.
    • Pharasma: Replace “rob a tomb” with “take from the dead in bad faith”.
    • Urgathoa: Replace “destroy undead” with “destroy undead of no harm to you”.
  • Page 44: In the second paragraph of the Mountain Strategy feat, replace “the chosen trait” with “one of the listed traits”.

  • Page 48: It wasn’t clear that the Ageless Patience feat can’t be used on instantaneous checks. Add “that takes 1 action or longer” to the end of the second sentence.

  • Page 65: In the second paragraph of the Multitalented feat, replace “ability modifier” with “attribute modifier”.

  • Page 81: The Fiendish Magic feat’s Prerequisites entry works for the lineages in this book, but needs to leave room for expansion. Change the entry to “Prerequisites Grimspawn, Pitborn, Hellspawn, or another lineage feat associated with fiends”.

  • Page 89: Update the Common Languages table to replace “half-elves” with “aiuvarins” on the Elven row and “half-orcs” with “dromaars” on the Orcish row.

  • Page 89: In the Uncommon Languages table, add the following rows.
    Muan: Wood elemental creatures
    Talican: Metal elemental creatures

  • Page 91: The Key Attribute text has some holdover text from before the remaster. In the final paragraph change “increasing that attribute modifier by 2” to “increasing that attribute modifier by 1”.

  • Page 96: In the Bard Advancement table, replace “vigilant senses” at 11th level with “perception mastery.”

  • Page 110: In the level 11 row of the Cleric Advancement table, change “lightning reflexes” to “reflex expertise”.

  • Page 131: The Deimatic Display feat has been replaced to make a more impressive display but limit it from being used over and over. Change the feat’s text to the following.
    “Imitating animal threat displays, you make yourself appear larger and more imposing. Attempt an Intimidation check to Demoralize each enemy within 30 feet. This attempt has the visual trait, loses the auditory trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language. Roll your check only once and compare it to the Will DC of each target. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check against animal, fungus, and plant creatures and take a –2 circumstance penalty against other creatures. Each target is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.”

  • Page 132: Floral Restoration used an incorrect measurement for the plant life you need to be in. Change “You must be in a location of at least 15 square feet of healthy plant life” to “You must be in a location of at least 15 feet by 15 feet of healthy plant life”.

  • Page 133: In Primal Howl, change “Your familiar screeches and howls” to “Your animal companion screeches and howls”.

  • Pages 133–134: To update some untamed form abilities to match the remastered dragons, make the following changes in feats.

    some text
    • Dragon Shape: Change the last sentence to “Whenever you’re polymorphed into another form using untamed form, you gain resistance 5 to your choice of bludgeoning or poison.”
    • Reactive Transformation: Change the second bullet point to “Trigger You take bludgeoning or poison damage; Effect Choose a primal dragon shape from dragon form that resists the triggering damage.”
  • Page 133: In the Prerequisites line for the Garland Spell feat, change “plant order” to “leaf order”.

  • Page 134: The feats for the sample character on this page need updated. Change them to “Plant Empathy (1st), Call of the Wild (2nd), Forest Passage (4th), Plant Shape (10th)”.

  • Page 143: The structure of Barreling Charge makes it a bit unclear how the Strike works with the rest of the ability. You get the Strike no matter whether you move through any foes or not. Update the text as follows. “You rush forward, moving enemies aside to reach your foe. You Stride, attempting to move through your enemies’ spaces. Roll an Athletics check and compare the result to the Fortitude DC of each creature whose space you attempt to move through during your Stride, moving through its space on a success but ending your movement before entering its space on a failure. You can then Strike, regardless of how your Stride ended. You can use Barreling Charge to Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Stride if you have the corresponding movement type.”

  • Page 154: The flurry hunter’s edge is worded in a way that can imply the penalty is lessened with agile weapons, but not agile unarmed attacks. It works with both (and therefore functions correctly with the Animal Companion feat, if you have it). Change “agile weapon” to “agile attack” in both places.

  • Page 156: Medium armor mastery should read “unarmored defense”, not “unarmed defense”.

  • Page 157: The original text of Monster Hunter could be read very narrowly, which wasn’t intended. Change the second to last sentence to “ You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack roll against that prey, and any ally you tell gains the same benefit. “

  • Page 159: Update the text of Monster Warden to:
    ”You understand how to defend against your prey. When you grant bonuses from Monster Hunter, each creature who benefits also gains a +2 circumstance bonus either to their AC the next time the creature attacks them or to their next saving throw against an effect from that particular creature (whichever comes first.)"

  • Page 159: The Scout’s Warning feat has been updated so it works while Scouting, allowing it to be more useful in a wider variety of situations. Use this new version.

Scout’s Warning [free-action] Feat 4
Trigger You are about to roll a Perception, Stealth, or Survival check for initiative.
You visually or audibly warn your allies of danger, granting them each a +1 circumstance bonus to their initiative rolls, or a +2 circumstance bonus if you’re using the Scout exploration activity. Depending on whether you use gestures or call out, this action gains either the visual or the auditory trait, respectively.

  • Page 166 (Clarification): Yes, ruffian rogues can still deal sneak attack damage on a critical hit with a weapon with the fatal trait, even if the fatal die is greater than a d8, so long as the weapon’s original base damage die was no greater than a d8. For example, a ruffian rogue who got a critical hit with a pick (which normally has a d6 damage die with the fatal d10 trait) against an off-guard opponent would deal their sneak attack damage and the pick’s adjusted fatal damage.

  • Page 166: In the second to last sentence of the scoundrel racket, capitalize the word “Step” to indicate that it refers to the Step action.

  • Page 166: Make the following adjustments to the Rogue Advancement table:

    some text
    • Level 7 - Replace vigilant senses with perception mastery.
    • Level 13- Replace improved rogue reflexes with greater rogue reflexes.
    • Level 17- Replace slippery mind with agile mind.
  • Page 172: The Scout’s Warning feat has been updated so it works while Scouting, allowing it to be more useful in a wider variety of situations. Use this new version.
    Scout’s Warning [free-action] Feat 4
    Trigger You are about to roll a Perception, Stealth, or Survival check for initiative.
    You visually or audibly warn your allies of danger, granting them each a +1 circumstance bonus to their initiative rolls, or a +2 circumstance bonus if you’re using the Scout exploration activity. Depending on whether you use gestures or call out, this action gains either the visual or the auditory trait, respectively.

  • Page 174: The Sidestep feat could trigger on any attack, but the text suggested it applied to melee attacks only. Update the body text of Sidestep to the following:
    ”You deftly step aside and gently redirect an attack. You redirect the triggering attack to a creature of your choice that is adjacent to you and within the attack’s reach or maximum range. The attacker rerolls the Strike’s attack roll against the new target.”

  • Page 188: In the Ceremonial Knife feat, add the following to the end of the first paragraph: “You can have only one ceremonial knife at a time.”

  • Page 195 (Clarification): The Wizard Spells Per Day table doesn’t include the additional curriculum cantrip and curriculum spells you receive from your arcane school.

  • Page 207: The arboreal sapling companion’s advanced maneuver has the wrong action symbol and refers to a benefit for mature companions, but mature companions can’t get Advanced Maneuver. Change Throw Rock’s action symbol to 1 action and change the text to “The arboreal sapling Interacts to pick up a rock within reach or retrieve a stowed rock, then throws it with a ranged rock Strike that deals 2d6 bludgeoning (3d6 for a specialized companion) damage with a range increment of 30 feet.”

  • Page 210: The shark animal companion’s advanced maneuver refers to a benefit for mature companions, but mature companions can’t get Advanced Maneuver. In Shred, change the final sentence to “The target of the shark’s Strike takes 2d8 slashing damage (3d8 for a specialized companion).”

  • Page 213: In the Spellcasting familiar ability, replace “5 levels” with “5 ranks”.

  • Page 215: The magic items you can activate with a spellcasting archetype included a limited list, but was not meant to be that narrow. Under Spellcasting Archetypes, change the final sentence of the first paragraph to, “ The spellcasting ability from a spellcasting archetype also allows you to use Cast a Spell activations of items (such as scrolls, staves, and wands).”

  • Page 226: There are two page reference errors on this page. In the first paragraph of the second column, change “Chapter 10: Game Mastering” to “page 52 of GM Core”. In Armor and Skills, update the check penalties for armor page reference to 271.

  • Page 231: in the final sentence of Recall Knowledge before the Critical Success entry, cut the word “can’t”.

  • Page 237: The Crafting Example text only works if Ezren has the formula for the rune, which wasn’t specified. Change the third sentence to read, “With 2 weeks of downtime ahead of him, he decides to craft a striking rune, a 4th-level item, using its formula.”

  • Page 245: We’ve added a couple examples of unobtrusive actions that don’t cause you to become hidden or observed. This should make it clear for a couple common circumstances and help guide the GM in deciding what other actions might qualify. In the Being Stealthy sidebar, after the examples of things that make you observed, add “Unobtrusive actions, such as Recalling Knowledge or reloading a weapon, allow you to remain hidden or undetected.”

  • Page 246: Steal didn’t clearly state that it requires a free hand. Update the second sentence of the Steal action to the following: “Typically, you can Steal only an object of negligible Bulk, you must have a free hand, and you automatically fail if the creature who has the object is in combat or on guard.”

  • Page 254: In the final sentence of Dubious Knowlege, change “not knowing” to “knowing”.

  • Page 263: Remove the last sentence of Steady Balance. Rules changes in Grab an Edge made it redundant.

  • Page 264: In Trick Magic Item, change the first sentence of the third paragraph to “If you activate a magic item that requires a spell attack modifier or spell DC and you don’t have proficiency in the relevant statistic, use your level as your proficiency bonus and the highest of your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers.”

  • Page 281: The composite longbow and composite shortbow are in a Price range that’s out of reach for starting characters. Similar to items like splint mail and half plate, this makes them both level 1 items. They should both have “(level 1)” after their names in the Ranged Weapons table.

  • Page 282 (Clarification): The definition of the grapple weapon trait appears in the text, but not on any items. The definition isn’t needed for the weapons in this book—the weapons are correct.

  • Page 301: The minion trait was intended to have a limit on the number of minions you can control. Though several other rules referenced this limit, it wasn’t included in the trait’s description. Some wording in the second paragraph also received some cleanup.

  • In the minion trait, at the end of the first paragraph, add “You can have a maximum of four minions under your control.” In the first sentence of the second paragraph, replace “a reaction that they can use” with “additional actions or a reaction”.

  • Page 305: Remove grease from the 3rd-rank arcane spells. (It’s a 1st-rank spell.)

  • Page 314: There are three typos in the acid grip spell.

    some text
    • First, “Area 1 creature” should be “Targets 1 creature”.
    • Second, the spell doesn’t have a set duration; delete “Duration 1 minute”. The persistent damage dealt by the acidic hand determines how long the spell lasts.
    • Third, change “–10-foot status bonus” to “–10-foot status penalty”.
  • Page 326: Under the dragon form spell, change the resistance granted for the arcane tradition to “resistance 5 against damage from spells”.

  • Page 327: The Monster Core Dragons sidebar didn’t list the saving throws needed for each dragon breath. This information will be included in future printings.

    some text
    • Adamantine: Reflex
    • Conspirator: Fortitude
    • Diabolic: Reflex
    • Empyreal: Reflex
    • Fortune: Reflex
    • Horned: Fortitude
    • Mirage: Will
    • Omen: Will
  • Page 331: The fiery body spell should refer to the “ignition” spell, not “ignite”.

  • Pages 332–333: In the Defense line for the frostbite spell, add “basic” before “Fortitude”. (Note that the attack trait was removed in a previous errata update.)

  • Page 333: Add the cantrip trait to gouging claw.

  • Page 335: In the Defense line for the howling blizzard spell, add “basic” before “Reflex”.

  • Page 336: In ill omen, add “Defense Will;” before the Duration.

  • Page 338: In insect form, replace the spider’s web Strike. “Ranged [one-action] web (range increment 20 feet), Damage immobilizes the target for 1 round or until it Escapes.”

  • Page 343: Remove the two-action symbol from the migration spell.

  • Page 361: The sure strike spell was atypically strong for its level and too easy to cast repeatedly for a significant benefit at all levels of play, leading to repetitive play and squeezing out other options.

  • We’ve added a temporary immunity clause similar to the guidance spell to make it perform more in line with a spell of its rank.

  • Change the text of the sure strike spell to the following:

    some text
    • The next time you make an attack roll before the end of your turn, roll it twice and use the better result. The attack ignores circumstance penalties to the attack roll and any flat check required due to the target being concealed or hidden. You are then temporarily immune to sure strike for 10 minutes.
  • Page 366: In the Defense line for the vitality lash spell, add “basic” before “Fortitude”.

  • Page 366: In the Defense line for the void warp spell, add “basic” before “Fortitude”.

  • Page 367: The first sentence of wall of thorns could be misleading, suggesting the effect develops over time. Update it to simply “You grow a wall of thorny brambles from the ground.”

  • Page 374: In the soothing words focus spell, replace the manipulate trait with the mental trait.

  • Page 384: Change the duration of deceiver’s cloak to just “1 hour”.

  • Page 387: Remove the Defense line from nudge fate.

  • Page 395: The wish ritual requires only one primary check, just like other rituals. In its Primary Check line, add “or” between “Occultism (legendary),” and “Religion (legendary)”.

  • Page 398: The Attacking section has the wrong page reference for range. It should be page 426.

  • Page 404: The example of calculating a DC for a Grapple uses the wrong statistic. In the paragraph immediately following the Will save calculation entry, change “Reflex DC” to “Fortitude DC”.

  • Page 418: The Strike Statistics has an incorrect page reference. Replace “Damage on page 404” with “Damage Rolls on page 406”.

  • Page 437: There were several types of attacks not covered in the aquatic combat rules, such as most alchemical bombs. While fixing this omission, we made the aquatic combat rules less restrictive for bludgeoning and slashing attacks. Replace the third and fourth bullet points under Aquatic Combat with the following bullet points. Note that the circumstance penalty now applies to both melee and ranged bludgeoning or slashing attacks since ranged attacks dealing those damage types no longer automatically miss.

    some text
    • You take a –2 circumstance penalty to your attack roll for bludgeoning or slashing attacks that pass through water.
    • Ranged attacks made by an underwater creature or against an underwater target have their range increments halved.
  • Page 439: In the Sustain an Effect exploration activity, replace “spectral weapon” with “spiritual armament”.

  • Page 452: The alchemical trait didn’t seem to allow for items that are both alchemical and magical. Though there aren’t many of these, they aren’t meant to be strictly prohibited. Replace the second sentence of the alchemical trait description with “Unless otherwise noted, alchemical items aren’t magical and don’t radiate a magical aura.”

  • Page 456: Update the goblin trait to match Monster Core by replacing the first sentence with “A creature with this trait is a small, frantic goblinoid.”

  • Page 462: The structure trait was written with items in mind, and needs to be updated to work with spells and other abilities with the structure trait. This doesn’t substantially change the way the structure itself works. Change its text to the following.
    “structure (trait) A spell, item activation, or ability with the structure trait creates a magical building or other structure. The structure must be created on a plot of land free of other structures. The structure adapts to the natural terrain, adopting the structural requirements for being built there. The structure adjusts around small features such as ponds or spires of rock, but it can’t be created on water or other nonsolid surfaces. If created on snow, sand dunes, or other soft surfaces with a solid surface underneath, the structure’s foundation (if any) reaches the solid ground. If the structure is on a solid but unstable surface, such as a swamp or an area plagued by tremors, roll a DC 3 flat check each day; on a failure, the structure begins to sink or collapse.
    “The structure doesn’t harm creatures within the area when it appears, and it can’t be created within a crowd or in a densely populated area. Any creature inadvertently caught inside the structure when it’s created ends up unharmed inside the complete structure and always has a clear path of escape. A creature inside the structure when the effect ends isn’t harmed, and it lands harmlessly on the ground if it was on an upper level of the structure.”
Howl of the Wild
  • Page 18: In coral athamaru, change “a Strength value of 16” to “a Strength value of +3”.
  • Page 43: The Alarming Disappearance feat needs and additional sentence at the end: “Typically, creatures that have traveled with you for a significant time, such as your fellow party members, are immune to your Alarming Disappearance.”
  • Page 49: In hardshell surki, change “a Strength value of 16” to “a Strength value of +3”.
  • Page 63: In Wild Witch’s Armaments, adjust iron teeth’s DC to use the higher of your class DC or spell DC.
  • Page 83: Cratering Drop is only meant to work after you use Pluck from the Sky in melee, and has a couple typos. Change the Prerequisites line to “Prerequisites Pluck from the Sky” and change the Requirements line to “Requirements Your previous action was Pluck from the Sky using a melee Strike, and the target failed or critically failed its saving throw.”
  • Page 95: The riding tarantula’s Hair Barrage should use a different calculation for the Reflex save DC. Change it to “This deals 4d6 piercing damage with a basic Reflex save. This uses a trained DC using the tarantula’s Dexterity modifier or an expert DC if the tarantula is specialized.”
  • Page 100: Update the level and Price of hodag leather to level 8 and 500 gp.
  • Page 100: Update the level and Price of mantis plate to level 13 and 2,800 gp. Change its item bonus to Athletics to +2.
  • Page 101: Update the level and Price of catoblepas maul to level 13 and 2,800 gp.
  • Page 104: Update the level and Price of whip-tongue sling to level 11 and 1,250 gp.
Secrets of Magic
  • Pages 37–48: The magus has several pieces of errata to fit better with the remastered rules and allow a wider variety of play. To remain comprehensive, this section repeats some changes that already appeared in the previously released remaster compatibility errata for the book.
  • Page 37 (Spellstrike): Many spells in the remaster use save instead of spell attack rolls for smoother play. However, that left the magus with fewer options. Therefore, Spellstrike is receiving some changes to let it work with more spells, incorporating some functions that were formerly in the Expansive Spellstrike feat (which has its own update below).

Spellstrike [two-actions]
Frequency until recharged (see below)
You channel a spell into a punch or sword thrust to deliver a combined attack. You cast a spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast and requires either a spell attack roll or a saving throw. You imbue its effects into an attack instead of executing the spell normally. Make a melee Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack. This counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty, but you don’t apply the penalty until after you’ve completed the Spellstrike. The infusion of spell energy grants your Strike the arcane trait, making it magical. If the spell required a spell attack roll, use your Strike’s results to determine the effects of both the Strike and the spell. If it required a save, the target of the Strike rolls its saving throw normally, though if your Strike was a critical failure, the target is unaffected.

After you use Spellstrike, you can’t do so again until you recharge your Spellstrike as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. You also recharge your Spellstrike when you cast a conflux spell (page 40) that takes at least 1 action to cast; casting a focus spell of another type doesn’t recharge your Spellstrike.

  • Page 37 (Spellstrike Specifics): Some of the Spellstrike Specifics used old terms or outdated spells as examples, so here are some updates.

One Target: The spell targets only the target of your Strike, even if it normally allows more targets. This includes area spells, which only the target attempts a saving throw against. Any ongoing effects of the area, such as the difficult terrain from scatter scree, affect only the target’s space. Some feats let you affect more creatures.

Reach: The coupled spell affects the target using the reach of the weapon or unarmed attack you make your Spellstrike with. For instance, gouging claw would affect a creature beyond the reach of your hand if you used a weapon with reach, and frostbite would affect only a creature in your weapon’s reach, even though the spell’s range is longer.

Ancillary Effects: Your spell still has any non-targeted effects that might affect creatures other than the target, as well as any ongoing effects starting from the moment you hit with the Strike. For example, scatter scree would still create difficult terrain in the target’s space (as mentioned above) and tangle vine’s circumstance penalty would last for its normal duration. The spell takes effect after the Strike deals damage; if the Strike has other special effects, the GM determines whether they happen before or after the spell.

Spellshape: You typically can’t use spellshape with Spellstrike because spellshape actions require the next action you take to be Cast a Spell, and Spellstrike is a combined activity that doesn’t qualify.

  • Page 38: Replace the Arcane Cascade action with the following text:

Arcane Cascade [one-action]
Concentrate, Magus, Stance
Requirements You used your most recent action this turn to Cast a Spell or make a Spellstrike. You need to meet this requirement only to enter the stance, not to remain in it.

You divert a portion of the spell’s magical power and keep it cycling through your body and weapon using specialized forms, breathing, or footwork. While you’re in the stance, your melee Strikes deal 1 extra force damage. This damage increases to 2 if you have weapon specialization and 3 if you have greater weapon specialization. Any Strike that benefits from this damage gains the arcane trait, making it magical.

If your most recent spell before entering the stance was one that can deal damage, the damage from the stance is instead the same type that spell could deal (or one type of your choice if the spell could deal multiple types of damage).

  • Page 41: Studious spells used several spells that aren’t in the remastered rules. Update it as follows.

Studious Spells 7th
Your hybrid study grants you additional spells that can enhance your power in combat. You gain two special 2nd-level studious spell slots, which can be used to prepare gecko grip, sure strike, water breathing, and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. You add any spells from this class feature to your spellbook. At 11th level, the extra slots increase to 3rd level and you add haste and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. At 13th level, the extra slots increase to 4th level and you add fly and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study.
Laughing Shadow 7th: blur; 11th: shift blame (page 129); 13th: translocate
Sparkling Targe 7th: resist energy; 11th: warding aggression (page 140); 13th: mountain resilience
Starlit Span 7th: darkvision; 11th: wall of wind; 13th: unfettered movement
Inexorable Iron 7th: enlarge; 11th: earthbind; 13th: planar tether
Twisting Tree 7th: embed message; 11th: slow; 13th: flicker

  • Page 43: The change to Spellstrike altered the scope of the Expansive Spellstrike feat.

Expansive Spellstrike Feat 2
Prerequisites Spellstrike
You can blast the energy of a spell out around the target of your attack. When you Spellstrike with a spell that has an area of a burst, cone, or line, the spell creates an area instead of affecting only the target. The target must be in the area. A burst is centered on a corner of the target’s square; if the target is Large or larger, the burst use the square corner closest to the center of the target and choose the corner if more than one is eligible. A cone or line emits from you and must include the target; if you’re not adjacent to the target (using a reach weapon or starlit span, for example), choose any square adjacent to the target as the source. The spell affects all creatures in the area as normal, but the Strike still targets only one creature.

  • Page 48: Replace the Arcane Shroud feat with the following text. Note that heroism was not on the arcane spell list and has been removed from this more flexible version of the action:

Arcane Shroud [one-action] Feat 14
Concentrate, Magus
Prerequisites Arcade Cascade, Spellstrike
Frequency once per turn
Requirements Your most recent action was to Cast a Spell from a spell slot or make a Spellstrike with a spell from a spell slot.
Your magic has a powerful aftereffect, briefly granting you a certain spell. When you take this feat, choose three of false vitality, fire shield, fleet step, flicker, invisibility, mountain resilience, and see the unseen. You use Arcane Cascade and are subject to an additional aftereffect spell of your choice from the three you selected. This aftereffect spell’s duration lasts until the end of your next turn or its normal duration, whichever is shorter. Using Arcane Shroud again ends any existing spell you gained from Arcane Shroud.

  • Page 65: Under Fey Gift spells, replace “from enchantment and illusion spells” with “spells that have the illusion or mental traits”.
  • Pages 88, 101, 105, 119: Several battle form spells—aberrant form, element embodied, fey form, ooze form—need a wording tweak: “which are the only attacks you can use” should be “which are the only attacks you can Strike with”. This is to clarify you can still use non-Strike attacks such as Grapple and Shove while in the battle form.
  • Pages 89, 98, and 99: Several battle form spells referenced creatures that are no longer in the game and used alignment damage. Because these spells are referenced in Howl of the Wild, we have updated the forms in the spells angel form, daemon form, demon form, and devil form. Note that some of the creatures listed below appear in upcoming books, not Monster Core.
  • Page 89: Angel Formsome text
    • Change the “good” trait to “holy.”
    • Change the angels you can choose from to “balisse, choral, kuribu, or tennin.”
    • Change “if you choose choral” to “if you choose choral or kuribu.”
    • Change “weakness 10 to evil damage” to “weakness 10 to unholy.”
    • Replace the battle forms with the following:
  • Balisse Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feet; Perception modifier of +26 to detect lies and illusions unless your own modifier is higher; Melee [one-action] scimitar (fire, forceful, holy, magical, sweep), Damage 2d6+12 slashing plus 2d6 fire.

Choral Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feet; +1 status bonus to AC and saves against sonic and auditory; Melee [one-action] fist (agile, holy, magical), Damage 2d6+12 bludgeoning; Ranged [one-action] piercing hymn (holy, magical, range 90 feet, sonic), Damage 3d6+12 sonic, and deafened for 1 round on a critical hit.

Kuribu Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet; resistance 10 to electricity and fire; Melee [one-action] fist (agile, holy, magical), Damage 3d4+12 bludgeoning; Ranged [one-action] composite shortbow (deadly 2d10, holy, magical, propulsive, range increment 60 feet) 3d6+12 piercing.

Tennin Speed 30 feet, fly 60 feet; can Step into difficult terrain and use land and fly Speeds to Step; Melee [one-action] fist (agile, holy, magical, nonlethal), Damage 1d6+12 bludgeoning plus 1d6 cold and 1d6 spirit.

  • Page 98: Daemon Form

    some text
    • Change the “evil” trait to “unholy.”
    • Change the daemons you can choose from to “lacridaemon, leukodaemon, meladaemon, or venedaemon.”
    • Change “if you choose ceustodaemon” to “if you choose lacridaemon or venedaemon.”
    • Change “weakness 5 to good” to “weakness 5 to holy.”
    • Replace the battle forms with the following:
    • Lacridaemon Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet; resistance 10 to cold; Melee [one-action] jaws (magical, unholy), Damage 1d8+12 piercing plus 1d6 cold and 1d4 poison; Melee [one-action] claw (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 1d6+12 slashing plus 1d6 cold.
    • Leukodaemon Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet; +2 status bonus to saves against diseases; Melee [one-action] jaws (magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 2d10+12 piercing; Melee [one-action] claw (agile, magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 2d6+12 slashing; Ranged [one-action] composite longbow (deadly 1d10, magical, propulsive, range increment 100 feet, unholy, volley), Damage 2d8+12 piercing.
    • Meladaemon Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet; Melee [one-action] jaws (magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 2d10+12 piercing; Melee [one-action] claw (agile, magical, reach 10 feet, unholy, void), Damage 1d6+12 slashing plus 1d6 void, and you can spend an action after a hit to attempt to Grab the target.
    • Venedaemon Speed 25 feet; sense magical items and active spells within 60 feet as an imprecise sense; Melee [one-action] tentacle (agile, magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 2d6+12 bludgeoning.
  • Page 99: Demon Form

    some text
    • Remove the “chaotic” trait and change “evil” trait to “unholy.”
    • Change “Abyss” to “Outer Rifts.”
    • Change the demons you can choose from to “abrikandilu, brimorak, kithangian, or vloriak.”
    • Change “if you choose hezrou” to “if you choose kithangian.”
    • Change “weakness 5 to good” to “weakness 5 to holy.”
    • Replace the battle forms with the following:
    • Abrikandilu Speed 25 feet; Melee [one-action] jaws (magical, unholy), Damage 2d6+12 piercing, and clumsy 1 for 1 minute on a critical hit; Melee [one-action] claw (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 2d6+12 slashing; Ranged [one-action] hurled debris (range increment 20 feet, unholy), Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning.
    • Brimorak Speed 30 feet; Melee [one-action] flaming sword (magical, unholy), Damage 2d8+10 slashing plus 1d6 fire; Melee [one-action] hoof (agile, unholy), Damage 2d4+10 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fire.
    • Kithangian Speed 30 feet; Melee [one-action] pincer (magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 1d12+12 slashing, and you can spend an action after a hit to attempt to Grab the target; Melee [one-action] stinger (agile, magical, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 1d8+12 piercing; all melee Strikes deal 2d6 additional precision damage to animals.
    • Vloriak Speed 25 feet; resistance 10 to acid; Melee [one-action] claw (unholy), Damage 2d6+12 piercing plus 1d6 spirit; Melee [one-action] tongue (agile, reach 10 feet, unholy), Damage 1d6+12 acid plus 1d6 spirit.
  • Page 99: Devil Form

    some text
    • Change the “evil” trait to “unholy” and remove the “lawful” trait.
    • Change the devils you can choose from to “coarti, levaloch, sarglagon, or vordine.”
    • Change “if you choose osyluth or sarglagon” to “if you choose levaloch or sarglagon.”
    • Change “weakness 5 to good” to “weakness 5 to holy.”
    • Replace the battle forms with the following:
    • Coarti Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet; Melee [one-action] morningstar (magical, unholy, versatile P), Damage 2d6+12 bludgeoning plus 1d6 spirit; Melee [one-action] wing (agile, unholy, versatile P), Damage 1d6+12 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fire.
    • Levaloch Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet; +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude DC against being Shoved and to other saving throws to resist being moved against your will; Melee [one-action] trident (magical, unholy), Damage 2d8+10 piercing; Ranged [one-action] trident (magical, thrown 20 feet, unholy), Damage 2d8+10 piercing; all melee Strikes deal 2d6 additional precision damage to clumsy, enfeebled, immobilized, or restrained creatures.
    • Sarglagon Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feet, swim 30 feet; Melee [one-action] fangs (magical, unholy), Damage 2d12+10 piercing; Melee [one-action] tentacle arm (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 1d8+10 bludgeoning plus 1d6 poison.
    • Vordine Speed 25 feet; Melee [one-action] trident (magical, unholy), Damage 2d8+12 piercing; Melee [one-action] hoof (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 1d4+12 plus 1d6 fire; Melee [one-action] whip (disarm, magical, nonlethal, reach 10 feet, trip, unholy), Damage 2d4+10 slashing; Ranged [one-action] trident (magical, thrown 20 feet, unholy), Damage 2d8+12 piercing.
  • Pages 101–129: The metal and wood traits were introduced after Secrets of Magic, and should be added to some spells.

    some text
    • Add the metal trait to the following spells. 2nd Rank: instant armor, magnetic attraction, magnetic repulsion; 3rd Rank: magnetic acceleration; 4th Rank: draw the lightning
    • Add the wood trait to the following spells. 1st Rank: protector tree; 3rd Rank: soothing blossoms; 4th Rank: murderous vine, petal storm; 6th Rank: nature’s reprisal
  • Page 101: Add metal and wood elemental options to the element embodied spell. The metal Strike is Dexterity based, and the wood Strike is Strength based.

    some text
    • Metal Elemental 40 feet, fly 40 feet; resistance 10 to electricity; Arcing Electricity (aura, electricity, metal) 30 feet. A creature that enters the aura or starts its turn in the aura takes 2d12 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save against your spell DC; a creature made of metal, with the metal trait, or wearing metal armor takes a –1 circumstance penalty on this save. A creature can take damage from the aura only once per round; Melee [one-action] blade (reach 25 feet, versatile slashing), Damage 3d12+15 piercing; Ranged [one-action] metal shard (range increment 40 feet, versatile S), Damage 4d8+6 piercing.
    • Wood Elemental 30 feet, climb 35 feet; resistance 5 to physical; weakness to axes 10; Lush Growth (aura, wood) 30 feet. Ground in the area is difficult terrain, and any time a creature in the area regains HP from a healing vitality effect, the aura grants a +5 status bonus to the healing; Woody Toughness You gain 40 temporary Hit Points when you choose this form instead of 30; Melee [one-action] branch (reach 25 feet), Damage 3d10+18 bludgeoning; Ranged [one-action] seed (range increment 40 feet), Damage 4d8+6 bludgeoning.
  • Page 102: In elemental absorption, add metal (electricity or slashing damage) and wood (bludgeoning or vitality damage) to the choices.

  • Page 102: In elemental annihilation wave, You can replace the air trait with the metal and wood traits when you cast the spell.

  • Page 102: For elemental confluence, you can swap in a metal elemental, a wood elemental, or both in place of the standard elementals.

    some text
    • Metal (metal) The elemental flings shards of metal through the confluence, dealing 2d6 slashing damage to those partially or entirely inside the confluence with a basic Reflex save. A creature that critically fails also takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage.
    • Wood (wood) Roots and stumps grow, making ground in the area difficult terrain.
  • Page 103: In elemental gift, add metal and wood to the choices.

    some text
    • Metal The target’s Strikes using a metal weapon or an unarmed attack deal an additional 1d4 electricity damage on a hit and get a +1 status bonus to the attack roll if the target is made of metal or wearing metal armor.
    • Wood The target gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the spell’s rank, then gains half that number of temporary HP at the start of each of its turns.
  • Page 104: In elemental zone, add metal (electricity or slashing damage) and wood (bludgeoning or vitality damage) to the choices.

  • Page 112: Inner radiance torrent accidentally heightened to include 2 levels worth of spell damage instead of 1 level. Change the heighten entry so that the initial damage, as well as the additional damage for the 2-round casting time, each increase by 2d4, instead of 4d4.
    Note: This change was made for the 2nd printing of the book, and appears in the corresponding FAQ entry, but is repeated here due to the significance of the change.

  • Page 134: Update the summon lesser servitor text to match the version in Player Core 2. The following stat block requires the creature to be common, a detail that was omitted in the first printing of Player Core 2.

Summon Lesser Servitor [three-actions] Spell 1
Concentrate, Manipulate, Summon
Traditions divine

Range 30 feet
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
While deities jealously guard their most powerful servants from the summoning spells of those who aren’t steeped in the faith, this spell allows you to conjure an inhabitant of the Outer Sphere with or without the deity’s permission. You summon a common celestial, fiend, or monitor of level –1. You can choose to instead summon a common animal of level –1 that hails from the Outer Sphere; you can choose for this animal to gain the celestial and holy traits, the fiend and unholy traits, or the monitor trait.
It’s anathema to summon a servitor if it has a holy or unholy trait that isn’t allowed for your deity’s sanctification. For example, Sarenrae’s sanctification is “can choose holy,” so you couldn’t summon an unholy creature, and Pharasma’s is “none,” so you couldn’t summon a holy or unholy creature. The GM might determine that your deity restricts specific types of creatures further, making it anathema to summon them as well.

  • Page 157: Resonating ammunition has the wrong price. It should cost 300 gp.

  • Pages 203–207: Rage of Elements brought changes to the elemental spell list and elementalist.

  • Pages 206–207: The elementalist class archetype has been completely remastered and expanded on pages 58–61 of Rage of Elements. You can still use the Secrets of Magic version, which is equivalent to taking the Rage of Elements version and choosing the Inner Sea elementalism elemental philosophy.

  • Pages 203–205: The elemental spell list is no longer necessary. Now an elementalist’s spell list consists of a list of universal spells plus any spell that has one or more traits in their elemental philosophy. If you’re converting an elementalist from the Secrets of Magic version, this means spells with the air, earth, fire, or water trait and without the metal or wood trait. The universal elementalist spells are as follows; any spell from Rage of Elements has the RoE superscript, any from Secrets of Magic has the SoM superscript, and the rest are in Player Core.

  • Cantrips: detect magic, elemental counter (RoE), light, message, prestidigitation, read aura, shield, sigil, telekinetic hand; 1st Rank: breadcrumbs (SoM), mending, mystic armor, pet cache, runic weapon, ventriloquism; 2nd Rank: darkvision, dispel magic, elemental zone (SoM), environmental endurance, peaceful rest, resist energy, revealing light, summon elemental; 3rd Rank: elemental absorption (SoM), elemental annihilation wave (SoM), levitate, safe passage; 4th Rank: elemental gift (SoM), elemental sense (RoE), fly; 5th Rank: banishment, elemental breath (RoE), elemental form, summon giant, temporary glyph (SoM); 6th Rank: elemental confluence (SoM), teleport, truesight; 7th Rank: energy aegis, interplanar teleport, planar seal, unfettered pack; 8th Rank: summon elemental herald (RoE); 9th Rank: Wrathful storm; 10th Rank: Cataclysm, element embodied (SoM), gate, indestructibility, nullify (SoM), remake

  • Page 212: The aquatic attunement effect didn’t include a duration. It lasts 1 round.
War of Immortals
  • Page 57: The exemplar multiclass archetype is rare, just like the exemplar class.

  • Page 60: The Silence the Profane feat refers to “flat-footed” when it should refer to “off-guard”.

  • Page 58: Change the first sentence of the third paragraph of the avenger racket to the following. “You can deal sneak attack damage to your prey with your deity’s favored weapon, in addition to the weapons listed in the sneak attack class feature.”

  • Page 61: There are several updates to feats for the bloodrager.

    some text
    • Replace the Special text in Spelldrinker with the following: “If you have Surging Blood Magic, you can add the spell at 4th rank. If you have Exultant Blood Magic, you can add the spell at 7th rank.”
    • The Surging Blood Magic prerequisites should be: “Prerequisites Rising Blood Magic; master in Arcana or Religion, depending on your chosen tradition.”
    • For Exultant Blood Magic, the prerequisites should be: “Prerequisites Surging Blood Magic; legendary in Arcana or Religion, depending on your chosen tradition”
    • Change the second sentence of the Exultant Blood Magic feat to “You gain the master spellcasting benefits (Player Core 215).”
Tian Xia Character Guide
  • Page 57: Remove the single action icon from the Memory of Mastery feat.
  • Page 59: The sarangay ancestry’s Speed isn’t listed. It’s 25 feet.
  • Page 66: The Iron Belly feat’s unarmed attack didn’t include a damage type. It deals bludgeoning damage.
  • Page 77: The yaksha ancestry’s Speed isn’t listed. It’s 25 feet.
  • Page 90: Both mentions of “Reflected Ripple Stance” should be “Reflective Ripple Stance”.
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