Right under the holiday wire, we have a little Patch Notes Update for you all! (Will do my best to make it as punny as possible for our Pun Queen, Mellie, is on a much needed vacation!)
What is this?
In these regular patches, we’ll be releasing fixes and updates to items on our larger NEXUSes (like Vampire and Pathfinder), and summarizing updates that have been released for smaller NEXUSes in the time since our last update.
5e Nexus
Jump for Joy!
Updated the TOV Player’s Guide Compendium as well as each individual item for Errata.
- Ring of Jumping - The spell is now longstrider
- Staff of the Woodlands - Locate animals or plants is replaced with with wildsense.
- Figurine of Wondrous Power Onyx Dog - “INT score of 8” is replaced with “INT of -1”
Cyberpunk RED
- Map Areas were labeled incorrectly and now are showing in proper order (rather than 1. for each line. Even though, every location in Night City is #1 to us!)
- Cyberfingers now has all 15 fingers properly labeled.
- Minor text update to remove strange space between two words.
- Text Update for Investigation (Removed ‘Playtest’ from title)
- Rules entries for the new team maneuvers has been added from the Marvel X-Men Expansion.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
- Deities no longer show the “-rm” on their domains and divine fonts. (They still function properly - they just look a bit nicer!)
- After selecting the Mythic Magic feat and then choosing 3 spells, they did not appear under the spells tab. Instead, 3 blank lines appeared with trashcans (It’s called a trashcan, not a trashcan’t!). But they could not be deleted. When they reappeared, they did not appear in 10th level correctly. Now fixed!
- Hydraulic Push now is a smoother in damage and save.
- Lamellar Breastplate note now shows even if equipped.
- Bracers of Strength now apply bonus when equipped.
- The Warrior of Legend was missing the bonus damage to spears and polearms based on Doomed condition. Now fixed!
- Slash Gust critical persistent damage is now scaling properly.
- In Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries the sublinks within the Gods chapters directed you to the wrong location. Fear not, Adventurer! We got you on the right track now!
- Swashbuckler Legacy Feats are now marked properly as Legacy.
- Grasp of Deep had the wrong information on base damage. This is now fixed (and in your favor! You’re welcome!)
- Elixir of Life costed 3 GP so it is now properly priced at 150 GP (Not in your favor. Apologies.)
- Share Pain was set to grant +3d6 from levels 3-6, instead of levels 6-10 which is now fixed.
- The Ressurection Flood sidebar was spelled OrcS (with a capital S because they meant business) and is now fixed without additional capitalization.
- Animal Instincts was not showing damage rolls, just attack rolls. This is now fixed and ready for action.
- Some pre-gens were autoselecting levels without player input. This is now fixed for your next pre-gen character.
- Necromancer was not loading properly in certain links. This is adjusted so you can play Impossible Playtest without it being - well, impossible!
- Ethereal Plane in Lost Omens was missing a header styling but no more!
- Fall of Plaguestone Map was missing from the adventure but we found it!
- Lissala The Sihedron Scion was missing from the Deities list but is back in our big searchable list now.
- Land on Your Feet is now showing up properly on your resistances.
- Corrected the placement of some text that was accidentally included in the Flood Ghoul’s stat block from Resurrection Flood.
- Corrected image stuck in traits in The Resurrection Flood.
- Corrected the placement of some text that was accidentally included in the Flood Ghoul’s stat block from Resurrection Flood
- Corrected image stuck in traits in The Resurrection Flood
Starfinder 2nd Edition Playtest
- Chk Chk Pre-Gen did not have a deity attached (so lonely!) but now this is updated.
- Deities no longer show the “-rm” on their domains and divine fonts. (They still function properly - they just look a bit nicer!)
Vampire: The Masquerade
- Giovanni 3-dot loresheet did not grant advantage dots, but fear not, they are now available for your next evening
Why the change?
With the new cache improvements, we don’t want to break your character’s cache on larger NEXUSes as frequently as we make small improvements and fixes. Instead, we’ll push them all at once on a regular cadence, so that you keep your improved load-times for longer! Read more here .
I noticed a problem!
Thanks for your eagle eyes! Please post about it in the sub-forum for that toolset at your leisure. If it’s a quick fix, we’ll get it in our next patch. Otherwise, we’ll make sure it gets to the right team member for deeper work.