Where did the time go?
It’s almost April, and we’re thrilled to review everything you might have missed for Demiplane in Q1 2025. Our wonderful Demiplane staff have been working hard to release two new NEXUS Platforms and to improve others with new features and updates.
Roll20 x Demiplane Integration
One of our most significant recent announcements was regarding our Alpha Integration with Roll20, our first test before expanding to the Beta in mid-Q2. By means of this integration, content and sheets from Demiplane can now be used in the Roll20 VTT:
- Starfinder 2e Preview Sheet from Demiplane now usable in Roll20 VTT. This integration opens up the option for our other sheets in the Beta, including of course the much-anticipated integration of Pathfinder 2e!
- Multi-Sheets Beta. In the Beta, we will also be opening up “multi-sheets” as an option, meaning you can use both existing Roll20 sheets and Demiplane sheets in the same game instance, where applicable.
- Cross-Platform Sync. Through cross-platform sync, purchasers of specific titles can unlock those same titles on the alternate platform. For example, if you bought Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook on Roll20, you will also have it fully unlocked, for no additional cost, on Demiplane, and vice versa. Look for the following products and game lines to benefit from cross-platform sync soon!
- All Paizo titles
- All Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game titles
- All ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game titles
- All Vampire: the Masquerade titles
- Tales of the RED: Street Stories, Hope Reborn, and any future Cyberpunk RED releases.
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and any future Fallout Releases
Note: A title must have been converted into digital format on both platforms for the sync to work!

All NEXUS Platforms - Edit by Others
A hotly requested feature for Demiplane character sheets has been the ability to let someone else edit a sheet you've created. Previously, we've offered the ability to share and copy characters, saving a new version of them to your account.
Now, based on your feedback, we've introduced the new Edit by Others functionality:
- Share a single character among multiple players
- Get help or direct guidance from your GM or other players on your character build
- Allow your GM to make changes or leave surprises during or between sessions
- Use features or trackers inside of the sheet collectively
There are likely going to be some other fun uses for “Edit by Others” that we haven't thought of yet, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Note: Edit by Others is also imperative for our upcoming integration with the Roll20 VTT.

Vampire: the Masquerade NEXUS | Remorse + Frenzy Rolls
We added a "Frenzy" button to the Willpower drawer, allowing you to click and roll more simply to try to keep the beast calm.
Similarly, we added a "Remorse" roll to the Humanity drawer, making it easier to sort out your stains after you fail that Frenzy roll and do something you may (or may not) regret.
ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game NEXUS | Export to PDF
We are thrilled to announce that the ALIEN RPG NEXUS has unlocked the option to print your Demiplane Character Sheet! ALIEN now stands united with Pathfinder, Starfinder, Vampire: The Masquerade, Cosmere, Cyberpunk RED, and Avatar NEXUS Platforms in offering this feature!
(Yes, the Demiplane Devs are working hard on getting this on all of our NEXUS Platforms!)

Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game | So Many Features, My Gosh
We had a HUGE update on Features! So big that it’s all in a separate blog!
Enjoy henchmen, werewolf form, and more!
We encourage you to click around on new and existing characters and experiment with these new features.
The Demiplane and Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game teams continue working together on even more significant improvements to your experience, so keep an eye out for more as we prepare for the Avengers Expansion!
NEXUS Launches + Releases

Cyberpunk RED: Character Tools Launch
One of the biggest launches this year was our Cyberpunk RED: NEXUS Character Tools. This was a massive labor of love from the Demipals down to the tiny corners of the Character Builder. We worked hand-in-hand with R.Talsorian to ensure this launch was enormous for the community and the best it could be.
Our team worked hand-in-hand with the community throughout the past month, adjusting and tweaking to make it even better than we anticipated, and the response has been constructive and positive. This collaborative effort has truly made the Cyberpunk RED: NEXUS Character Tools (the Official Digital Companion o Cyberpunk RED) a product of the community.
- PDF Export to Print. Joining Pathfinder, Starfinder, Vampire: the Masquerade, and ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game, Cyberpunk RED launched its tools with PDF Export to Print. This is an excellent option for those who want that pen-and-paper feel but still have the official digital companion available to check through the rules and mechanics of Night City.
- All 10 Roles Unlocked. No less than 24 hours from launch, R.Talsorian asked if we could unlock all 10 Roles in the Character Builder, so of course we said yes! Even if you do not own all the digital compendium pieces of the Corebook, you can still enjoy making your Edgerunner with any available role.
- Convenience. Experience a browser-based digital compendium that houses all the mechanics and rules for your journey to Night City. No more flipping through pages — everything you need is at your fingertips!
- Bring the Crew Together. With a Demiplane subscription, you can share your complete Cyberpunk RED and Demiplane library and character tool access with up to 24 friends.
- Never Hit the Streets Empty-Handed. Equip yourself with our searchable, filter-fitted gear listings.
- The Right Tools for the Job. A comprehensive collection of rules, street slang, and more, logged directly into your neuroport for convenience. Whether a seasoned Edgerunner or a newcomer, you'll always have the necessary information.
- Character Management Made Easy. Enjoy our state-of-the-art Character Builder and interactive character sheet for players and GMs alike.
- Ultimate Bundle. With the Ultimate Bundle, you can enjoy 25% off all Cyberpunk RED titles, and get 25% off future titles we release. (We plan to catch up with R.Talsorian's entire Cyberpunk RED Library.)
We also released two new ones (to us!) Cyberpunk RED titles are part of the Cross-Platform Sync in the Integration.
Fallout NEXUS Early Access Launch
Along with Modiphius, we released the Fallout NEXUS in Early Launch last week.
- Digital Compendiums: Not just prose with rules, mechanics, and setting, our compendiums include tooltips, cross-linking, and a search function so you can get information quickly without having to stop the game. This means you can stay immersed in the game world while easily accessing the information you need.
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core (free for Roll20 purchasers of the Core, thanks to Cross-Platform Sync)
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Quickstart (Free for everyone!)
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Wanderers Guide
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Game Master Toolkit
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Winter of Atom.
- Searchable and Filterable Listings: Search through the digital compendium for perks, locations, and much more!
- Interactive Tooltips: Learn the game quickly and find information quickly so you can keep the game rolling.
Whether you're playing Fallout: The Roleplaying Game online or in-person on mobile, desktop, tablet, or laptop, the official digital companion goes where you go!
Character tools are currently being worked on in the Vault and will be released around the middle of 2025.
Digital Compendium Releases
Here’s a quick rundown of the releases we have launched this quarter:
- Daggerheart
- Daggerheart Pre-Order with DriveThruRPG
- Cyberpunk RED
- All About Agents (free DLC)
- Tales of the RED: Street Stories (Cross-Platform Sync with Roll20)
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game: Gamemaster's Toolkit
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game: Quickstart Guide
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game: Wanderer's Guide Book
- Fallout: The Roleplaying Game: Winter of Atom
- Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
- Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: Avengers Expansion Pre-Order [with free Roll20 VTT Companion]
- Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: Spider-Verse Expansion [with free Roll20 VTT Companion]
- Pathfinder 2nd Edition
- NPC Core [with free Roll20 Token Pack with over 800 tokens and art pieces!]
- Lost Omens: Rival Academies [with free Roll20 Token Pack]
- Guns & Gears Remastered
- Spore War Bundle
- Spore War: Whispers in the Dirt [with free Roll20 VTT Companion]
- Spore War: A Voice in the Blight [with free Roll20 VTT Companion]
- Spore War: The Secret of Deathstalk Tower [with free Roll20 VTT Companion]
- Spore War: Player's Guide
Looking Ahead
We are working on quite a lot this year!
- Beta Integration Launch (April-May). Use any Demiplane Sheet in the Roll20 VTT and multi-sheets with both Demiplane and Roll20 Sheets in the Roll20 VTT.
- Daggerheart NEXUS (May 20th). Complete with brand-spankin’ new GM Tools to help with Encounters and more.
- GM Tools (Date TBD). Starting with Daggerheart, we will be releasing our new GM Tools feature set. This all-in-one GM power module will continue to grow and expand with the community and all our NEXUS Platforms. We will be releasing a few teasers soon.
- Cosmere (Date TBD). Updated digital compendiums, character tools, and more for the release of this epic game.
- Paizo Party (Ongoing). We pride ourselves on being the most up-to-date for Pathfinder and Starfinder listings and releasing alongside Paizo for days and dates. If Paizo is releasing something, rest assured Demiplane is releasing at the same time!
- More Releases from All NEXUS Platforms (Ongoing).
- Mongoose NEXUS + Sine Nomine NEXUS (TBD). We’ll share more info as we have it!
Stay tuned for more updates!