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Announcing premium 5e digital tools that are built for more than just one Tarrasque-sized publisher
In 2023, 5e NEXUS will unleash a dragon’s horde of new 5e options for your characters and campaigns with digital tools that support some of the best third-party publishers in the multiverse. This ecosystem of 5e tools arrives in 3 stages:
Easy-to-use 5e group creation and group-finding tools. Our proprietary tech compares interests, playstyles, experience, and schedules to find your best matches between players and Game Masters.
Group creation and group finding tools support any way you play: directly on Demiplane with built-in video, voice, chat, and dice rolling service, using your favorite VTT, or in-person around your table.
FIND GROUPS & GAMESDiscover, learn, and play games from an assortment of your favorite creators with powerful digital tools for 5e content:
The Digital Reader puts full official game book content at your fingertips, reducing reading and prep time with integrated tooltips, drill-down sidebars, and cross-references that span your entire digital library.
The Rules Compendium lets you find exactly what you need without slowing down the flow of your adventure. by bringing the most frequently-needed 5e game elements front-and-center
When it comes to making memorable characters, 3rd party 5e content is your Deck of Many Things. 5e NEXUS Character Tools unleash character creation creativity on a whole new plane.
Learn new character options as you go with a guided character builder. Stay immersed in the game while our digital character sheet handles the calculations and tracks the math.
Demiplane is pleased to stand alongside the community to support a vibrant, diverse range of independent 5e publishers for years to come. In the days and weeks ahead, look for announcements on specific publishers and the titles coming to the Early Access launch of 5e NEXUS.